All The Best Memes From The Jordyn/Tristan/Khloe/Kylie Fiasco
Jordyn Woods has really taken this 'Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored' thing a bit too seriously. After she got caught out as Tristan Thompson's fling, ending his relationship with her best friend's sister (note to everyone: don't shit where you eat), the memes came in strong. Here are some of the best, you're welcome.
Stormi watching Jordyn pack her bags pic.twitter.com/99gX9l4ZLm
— Addatude (@addatude_) February 20, 2019
Both Jordyn Woods and Thompson
— TheSpecialOne (@HiddenPower89) February 20, 2019
escaping with their designer gifts before Kylie and khloe gets home pic.twitter.com/3O6TXh4qxa
Kris Jenner leaving TMZ after leaking the Jordyn/Tristan story pic.twitter.com/uKZg4jMRFq
— alaina (@lainnzz) February 20, 2019
Jordyn reading tweets about her at the library computers because Kylie cancelled her phone plan pic.twitter.com/2zV9tjCXUt
— xavier lowe (@xavierreedlowe) February 20, 2019
Me auditioning to replace Jordyn as Kylie Jenner’s new bff pic.twitter.com/xebhZ1c9hu
— :) (@adkj_) February 20, 2019
Khloe Kardashian: My man is such a meal
— UnfamousCryp (@_trillayla1) February 20, 2019
Jordyn Woods: pic.twitter.com/jDu7FkIaGR
If this Khloe / Jordyn / Tristan drama is true then you know Kylie will be coming out with a new eyeshadow palette called Betrayal
— Caroline Kane (@carokane42) February 19, 2019
me reading the jordyn woods/tristan thompson/khloe kardashian story as if i know them and am personally affected by the situation pic.twitter.com/a1xoZ1r14e
— kathleen (@kathleen_hanley) February 19, 2019
exclusive footage of Jordyn Woods entering witness protection pic.twitter.com/q1b8fcvk4j
— Dylan Hafer (@50shadesofbetch) February 20, 2019
Whoever made this im going to hell for laugh 🤣😂🤣😂 #jordyn#kyliejenner #khloekardashian #TristanThompson pic.twitter.com/DsDX3cDLoN
— 0ne_tea (@Lauren60063725) February 20, 2019
Kylie putting the Jordan Woods collection on clearance on her website pic.twitter.com/KZjTSgAfHw
— Tony Pavlik (@TonyPavlik) February 20, 2019
Kylie Jenner hearing Jordan Woods rap along to every single Travis Scott song word for word pic.twitter.com/dzOSf4pn6Q
— SupremeKevv (@_Kevinnnn) February 20, 2019