Darude Is Representing Finland At Eurovision For Some Reason
This morning I woke up to a message that I don't think anything could have prepared me for. My friend, currently in Europe, had messaged me some information that changed my life:
To be honest, I assumed this was part of a fever dream. In what world would someone choose DARUDE to play an INTERNATIONAL MUSIC COMPETITION. Darude is the mastermind before the banger that is 'Sandstorm' - the one song that will collectively send any crowd mental. You know, this one...
The EDM DJ will represent Finland. You just can't make this shit up. I'll tell you this much - this is not what I expected to be writing about today.
sorry I can't hear you over my darude sandstorm 10 hour video try again in 20 hours
— Nᴏ. ₁ Hᴇʀᴏ:Endeavor (@FieryNumberOne) 30 January 2019
Darude representing Finland at Eurovision is the best thing to happen in 2019
— Elsbeth. (@smellsbeth) 30 January 2019
Judging by my 22yo brother's reaction when I told him Darude was in Eurovision, I would not be at all surprised if Australia's douze points in the semis goes to Finland.
— Jodi McAlister (@JodiMcA) 30 January 2019
alexa play sandstorm by darude GUESS WHO’S REPRESENTING FINLAND IN EUROVISION pic.twitter.com/nY7wBNz3Vg
— Lili 🐝 Bee (@fruktgalen) 29 January 2019
literally nothing the uk has for eurovision can compare to fucking DARUDE https://t.co/UOfgYrnXf6
— Matt Ashcroft (Transistor Syndication) (@TransistorSynd) 29 January 2019